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4 Ways To Freshen Up Your Happity Listing

How do you keep your baby class listing on Happity fresh each term?

When it comes to your class listing, it’s important to check your classes are up to date and verified at regular intervals. Especially so when you’re approaching a break or a holiday. Even though you’re potentially taking a break, families are still browsing and looking for what they can do next term. 

We recommend making it a part of your regular routine. Set yourself a reminder once every other month to login to your Happity dashboard, verify and check your details are all looking good. What do you check for though?

Here’s our short list of things (taking an hour or less) to check.


Happity Listings for the Summer - image shows a baby looking very closely at a laptop.


1. Add Your Next Term Of Dates And Verify Your Classes

Once you know your schedule, (and you know your start and end date for each term) let your regular customers know. A lot of your regulars will appreciate being able to book your classes way in advance, so try to add your new term dates when it gets towards the end of term. That way you can let families know before you go on a break. 

You can make it clear and easy for parents to see when classes are by adding dates to your class listing. On your Dashboard, go to My Classes > Weekly Timetable, and then under the heading, ‘Upcoming Classes’, you can add dates. Doing so will provide customers with an interactive calendar to be able to see exactly when your classes are running and for how long. 

If you have classes that run during the holidays, then you can also make that clear by selecting the schedule type of ‘All Year Round’. Just be sure to add those dates so that they can see when to come!

If you already have added all your classes way in advance, then check that you have verified your classes recently! Parents will appreciate being able to see that these dates/times have been confirmed recently.

QUICK TIP: It’s a great idea to regularly share a reminder on your social media when you’re starting your classes, and to let families know when they’re able to book the next term. Make it as easy as possible for families to see when they can book your class.


Happity screengrabs that show what your 'add more dates' and your calendar looks like.


2. Check That You Are Using The Correct Categories

Categories are a great way to get your classes seen by extra pairs of eyes. Some parents will come to Happity with a vague idea of the kind of class they want to try (e.g. Arts & Crafts, Sensory, or Music), but not necessarily the name of any groups they want to go to. And with our actively changing ‘Most Popular Categories’ section on our homepage, they could end up finding your classes through this route. 

You can select up to 2 categories from our list of 45, and each category page displays a list of 10 relevant providers and their timetables, ordered by distance from the postcode the person is searching.

You can check what categories your classes are listed under by going Dashboard > Profile > Activities. Find out more about categories here


Happity 'most popular categories' section


3. Double Check Your Details Are Correct (And Relevant!)

When your baby or toddler class details are older than a few months, the likelihood is that you actually haven’t read them thoroughly for a little while! Despite probably seeing the writing daily, it becomes part of the furniture and you probably scroll straight past it when you’re doing your admin or grabbing the link to share on socials. 

Our top advice on how to write a great description:

  1. Keep it informative, simple and concise: Use simple language and avoid using jargon or complex language. But make sure that you’re adding enough details about your classes (making them want to book on!) 
  2. Highlight the benefits of your classes: Parents are always looking for ways to help their babies develop and grow. Mention the skills and milestones that babies and toddlers will achieve by participating in your classes, such as improved motor skills, cognitive development, and socialization.
  3. Make sure your descriptions are in the right places:  Add a short snappy summary of your class in the short tagline description. Your organisation description is about what you stand for – your aims, mission and broad audience. Don’t confuse this with everything you do in your classes, this is more of an overview of you and your activity. Put more detail in the long class/activity description. You might want to include the sort of activities attendees will do, who specifically this class might appeal to and highlight what makes your class different to others.

A good way to edit your descriptions with a fresh perspective is to copy the writing and paste it into a word document. Change the font and the size, then read it again.

Then, while reading, ask yourself the following: 

  • Is all of this still relevant to my classes? 
  • Are these details still correct? 
  • Are there any more current milestones/achievements that I can include in my about section? 
  • Is this concise enough?
  • Is this detailed enough? What can I add? (This might be more details about what happens in your classes, how they can benefit little ones or parents, or the themes your classes cover).
  • Am I doing everything I can to encourage people to press the ‘book now’ button?

Login and edit your details now

Want to know the best way to write copy for your Happity listing this term? We have an article with the best tips here


Happity screenshot of what the 'edit organisation' section looks like on your dashboard



4. Take Some Time To ‘Test’ Your Page

A good exercise for checking that your listing is at its best is to do a quick playtest of your page. That way you can get a good idea of what the customer experience is like. Open an incognito window, and then go over to your Happity page.

Do the following checks on your profile page: 

  • Title and tagline (are they both correct?)
  • Map Location (is it in the right place?)
  • Click on the links in your contact section (are they all working? Have you added all your social media links?) 
  • Visuals (Have you added your logo and is it your current logo? Have you added a banner with a class image on?) 
  • Your Venues (Are they all listed correctly and are all your classes under the correct venues?)

Then go to one of your activities and check the following on your class page:

  • Click on the links in the contact section (are they all correct?) 
  • Is the calendar listing the correct dates?
  • Are your class details all correct?
  • Are there any classes that are fully booked that are still listed as available to book?


happity screenshot with an incognito logo next to it




Happity: Created with baby class providers in mind!

Hopefully this blog has given you a bit of food for thought! Head over to your Dashboard now to get started with freshening up your Happity listing.

If you’ve not signed up to Happity yet, then hopefully this blog has piqued your interest! It’s free to list with us, and you can offer all sorts of ticket options through our site. Though we also offer cost-effective membership for when your baby class needs an extra boost in its marketing or if you would like access to our provider-catered booking system.

Get your classes seen by thousands of parents today


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