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How To Write A Great Class Description

A good class description is key to getting more bums on mats in your activities. People are easily deterred, and if parents come to your page only to be faced with very little info about your classes, then the likelihood is they’ll move on and find somewhere else to go.

If you’re not sure what to write, then here are our 7 top tips on what to include in your class descriptions.


1. Make Sure You Put Everything In The Right Place

To make your class descriptions look the best they can on your page, make sure that you’re putting everything in the right place. 

Here are the different types of descriptions: 

Short description: a short snappy summary of your class

Long Description: More details about your classes. This is where you can include the sort of activities attendees will do, who specifically this class might appeal to and highlight what there is to love about your class

About You: This is about your organisation. What you stand for, your aims, mission and broad audience. Don’t confuse this with everything you do in your classes, this is more of an overview of you and your activity. 

You can find your description areas by going: Profile – Organisation



2. Tell Parents What Happens In Your Class

This isn’t necessarily to give away absolutely everything that happens in your class. We won’t be advising you to write out all the lyrics to every song you sing! But giving families a bit of an idea of the activities they’ll be participating in will really help those who have never been to a baby or toddler class before to figure out what to expect. 

Will there be messy play? Are you going to be singing as a group? Are they expected to sing? Is it a structured session or is it more of a free play? Will you be offering any coffee and a chat at the end? Are there different themes you do for each class?


3. Tell them The Developmental Benefits

Parents are always looking for ways to help their babies develop and grow. It’s a really great idea to shout about all the benefits of coming to your classes. This could include: developing motor skills, cognitive development, communication and social skills.

You could talk about the benefits parents have from your classes too! Whether that’s getting to meet other parents and chat with other mums, or a chance to have that special bonding time with their little ones. Whatever the benefits are, be sure to let people know.



4. Keep Your Tone Friendly, And Be Inclusive

You’ll want to get your personality out on the page in your descriptions. This means not using language that’s super complex or confusing, and allowing your writing to be more chatty. Allow families to know that you’ll be warm and welcoming. 

As a note on keeping your classes inclusive: Remember to avoid sticking to the buzzword, ‘mum’. Whilst a lot of mums do attend, you’ll want to make sure your activities are inclusive for dads, grandparents, and any other family members who want to take a tiny tot to your classes. 


5. Don’t Use Chat GPT

AI is a hot topic at the moment, and lots of people are opting to use Chat GPT as a quick way to sort out any copy they need to do. 

In our opinion, we strongly recommend that you avoid using Chat GPT to write your descriptions. AI won’t be able to list all the details and all the great things there are to say about your classes. Plus, it won’t be able to recreate your personality. Take the time to write it yourself. Trust us, it’s worth it. 


6. Reassure Parents About The Venue 

Let families know that their needs (being able to bring in a buggy or park their car) are being met at the venue.This doesn’t need to be anything that takes up loads of space in your descriptions, but parents like to know when your activity has got all the basics, or to be warned if there are any limitations. 

Answer the following for them: 

  • Are there baby-changing facilities? 
  • What’s the easiest way to get to your venue? 
  • What is the parking at the venue like? 
  • If they can’t park at the venue, where’s the best place to park? 
  • Are there any directions that would be handy to know? Is your venue wheelchair/pushchair accessible? 

The best place to add this information is in the ‘other information’ section when you are adding a new class to your timetable (My classes – Weekly timetable – Edit OR Add new class)


7. Remember To Proof Once You’re Done

When we’re in a rush (which so many class providers are!) there are checks that are swept under the rug. So here’s a few reminders on proofing that help us get by:

  • Use capitalisation on names and start each description with a capital letter.
  • If you are using a spellchecker to proof your work, make sure that your settings are in English (UK), not English (US).
  • Check for repetition of the same word being used in the same sentence/paragraph. 
  • If you have lots of complex sentences, try making some into simple sentences. The variety of both is key! 
  • Take a break after you’ve finished writing. Keep the tab open, walk away for a couple of hours (or even a day) and approach it with a fresh head.
  • In our experience (and this is from Happity’s blog writer), when you have been staring at a block of text for a long period of time, there are obvious mistakes that become invisible to you. And that’s after any length of time has passed. Ask a loved one or a colleague to read it over and do a quick proof of your work too. 


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