Stand out from the crowd with Featured Listings
When you turn on Featured Listings, your class will appear at the top of the results page for relevant searches in your area. It's a great way to reach your exact target customers for super-low cost.
You can choose as many or as few of your classes to promote, and set a limit on your monthly maximum budget.
We count the number of times your class is promoted to the top of a matching search and charge you 1p per search.
That means 1000 searches costs just £10.
Plus, your class still appears in its usual position in the results, giving you double the visibility.
Make sure you’re at the front of the queue when parents are booking their activities.
There’s no minimum budget so get started with as little or as much as you like to test it out.
What are the benefits?
Increase Your Visibility
By boosting your listing to the top of highly relevant searches (you'll also appear in your usual spot).
Drive More Bookings
Featured Listings get up to 6x more clicks than non-featured classes.
Broaden Your Audience
Appear in the 'What's On Nearby' boxes on other pages of the website.
Be a 'Top Pick'
In the What's On newsletter, sent to 110k+ parents every Sunday.
Stand Out
On map views, with a special star.
Use Our Marketing Platform
As well as Featured Listings, Members get access to a whole suite of marketing tools.